Thursday 4 June 2009

Travelling with a Camera

I go knowhere without my Cameras, although flying with a full kit has become difficult and tedious, as well as potentially expensive if having to stow equipment as checked baggage. I always used to carry my travel kit as carryon bag but this is more difficult now since all the terrorism scares. Insurance (seperate) needs carefull consideration if travelling by air on a regular basis as stuff, especially expensive items, can and dies go missing.

To keep within the carry-on weight restriction now imposed by many airlines I have reduced my essential carry-on to 2 camera bodies and 3 lenses, 430EX flash and 30-40GB of memory cards. Lenses are 28-70 f2.8L, 50mm f1.8 and 75-300 f5.6L all I consider essential. All my other kit and computer go on a checked baggage in hard cases withing ordinary soft cases (makes them look less obtrusive and recognisable.

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