Wednesday 10 February 2010

The Riverside

People come to pray and play down at the riverside each Sunday throughout the day but mainly in the morning and late afternoon when its a little cooler.The place is bustling with people, talking, meeting up with family and friends, eating and taking in the world. A great place for people watchers like myself.

Old Lady on the Riverside, Phnom Penh

I enjoy spending time, especially on Sunday mornings, people watching at the riverside.
This old lady was sat taking in the world.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Hi. Iam again in Cambodia. This was taken along the Riverside.
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Thursday 24 September 2009

Leaving for Cambodia

I will be leaving for Cambodia on the 21st October with no definate plans to return to UK for a while. Want to follow a different path and take new pictures, live a different life and meet new friends. We shall see where I end up. Follow the blog...
Will be staying in PP for a while and working on a few photo projects I have in mind.

Sunday 12 July 2009

Travelling with a Camera

The whole point for me of having a camera with me when I travel is to document my trip and retain memories. I carry at least a little high quality point and shoot in my pocket at all times but my DSLR is normally not far away. If you have no camera with you that is when you will miss the important and irreplaceable images. Sometimes it's hard to carry all the gear, it's heavy and has to watched tp prevent sticky fingers from pinching it, but the effort can be worth it.

I usually take 2 bodies (1D and 1D Mk11) plus a selection of lenses from 15mm to 300mm, all bases covered. My fav being Canon 28-70 f2.8L and Sigma's 15-30 DG.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Photography at NEM's - Photo Forum

Come and visit when of the best and friendliest of the internet Photo Forums. Lots of talent, support and know-how is being shared on this site.

Photography at New England Moment's

Friday 26 June 2009

Published ONLINE

Was asked to do an article on my trops to Cambodia and this is the result.

PhotographyBB on line Magazine.

New Camera.

Just picked up a Canon 1D Mk2. The Old 1D was my favourite camera up until now, the baby is amazing. . Take a look..

Sunday 14 June 2009

Share the Health Cambodia

Not many people have the opportunity, or have the inclination, to help those less fortunate than ourselves, other than maybe a few dollars given to a charity of our choice. This is a story of two amazing people who took this one, two and three stages further and decided that they wanted to help in a more direct way.

Cara and James Garcia went to Cambodia for a holiday in 2008 with plans to see the normal things in the country, Angkor Wat, Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville. This they did, but they also saw past these things. What they saw was the poverty and lack of health care available to the poorest members of Khmer society. James is (or was) a paramedic in the US and his wife Cara an RN. After returning to the US, and I'm sure after much debate and soul searching, they decided to return to Cambodia and open a FREE primary health clinic in a rural area. They accepted that to do this would mean they had to sell everything they own, their house, their car and all their personal possessions. This cannot have been an easy decision as the have two young children, but make it they did. (Web Site)

This, in many ways, turned out to be the easy part, then all the applications and requests for support for this project began. They accomplished charitable status in the US and after many months gained initial support in principle from government officials in Cambodia and finally with the help of a Cambodian MP Mr. Thavy Nhem, found a suitable location to begin providing services.

Through the gracious assistance of Cambodian Parliament Member H.E. Thavy Nhem, we are operating the Chong Doung Community Health Center in Baray Distric, Kampong Thom province.

Cara, James and the kids arrived in Cambodia in early 2009 and after a lot of hard work have got the clinic up and running and are seeing many people everyday from as far away as 50 miles (it is the only medical clinic in the area).

These two amazing people have achieved a lot in a very short time but could do with our support financially, a few dollars would go a very long way towards the continued provision of this important service . They a not a big multinational care giver but two people who just want to make a difference for those who need their help in this small part of Cambodia. They are not in this to make profits ( other than the emotion and spiritual I suspect ). If you can PLEASE HELP, no matter how small (or large) everything will be put to good use I am sure.


Share the Health Cambodia for the price of a couple of cups of coffee,or an icecream for your kids, you could save a life. If you have a PAYPAL account why not give a little today..

Health for CAMBODIA

Subject: Got an extra five bucks? By Ann-Marie Lindstrom

Five dollars can buy two dengue fever blood tests. Bet you didn't know that. I didn't. I don't even know what dengue fever is. So why do I care? I do know a paramedic from South Carolina who is living in the jungle in Cambodia. The blood test is important to him, because 80 people a day are coming to his free clinic from as far away as 50 miles. Right now he has an eight-year old patient with dengue and a fever of 104. He says all he can do is push IV fluids and hope the kid doesn't hemorrhage.

With all the grief and suffering we hear about every day, all over the world, maybe in our own neighborhoods these days with job losses and home foreclosures, this kid grabs me. Probably because I know the man struggling to keep him alive. Probably because a man, his wife and two young daughters--ordinary, middle-class people--gave up the convenient lifestyle we take for granted and moved to Cambodia, committed to spending two years of their lives to establish a free clinic. (OK,I'd guess the girls probably didn't have much of a say in that decision.)

They are doing this without governmental/organizational/church financial support. They don't have paid fund raisers. They don't have offices with executives making decisions. They don't spend money on advertising their efforts.

They are funding this endeavor with the proceeds from selling most of what they owned and donations.

He has invited me to come share the adventure. "Your life will never be the same." Yeah, I'm sure it wouldn't be. I'm equally sure I'm NOT going to the Cambodian jungle. If my own daughter had dengue fever in the Cambodian jungle, I'd have to hope there was someone like the paramedic and his RN wife to help her, because I am NOT going to the Cambodian jungle.

What I am doing is making small, periodic donation via PayPal. And I do mean small. I sent $5 today. I feel assured my $5 means something to the small clinic in the jungle. Much more than to larger charitable organizations that get mega-donations from corporations and governments.

Whether my $5 goes for two dengue fever blood tests or food for the two American girls yanked away from cable TV and trips to the mall (can't you just hear the older girl whining, "I didn't ask to be here in the jungle. I didn't even ask to be born. Why are you doing this to me?"), I am sure it will make a difference. I don't do very much in my every day life that feels like it "makes a difference."

Share the Health Cambodia's Web site is; There's a DONATE button on the home page. Share the Health Cambodia has a FB page, but it isn't kept up to date. For some reason, the paramedic and his wife seem to spend their time doing other things. James D. Garcia has a personal page on FB. That's where the news comes from. And where the photos are.

Before the clinic even opened, Cara Garcia delivered a baby on the back of a tractor. Recently, they saved a cardiac arrest patient. James says that is unheard of in the Cambodian jungle.

I've read about people doing what I consider noble deeds. I've even known a few people who set out to do something to make life better for other folks. I've always admired them. From a distance. Without getting involved. Always thought "how wonderful that someone wants to do that." I repeat, I am NOT going to the Cambodian jungle, but for the first time I feel I can participate in spirit and support. Their project is small enough that my contribution can make a difference.

I invite you to participate, too. Remember that $5 can buy two dengue fever blood tests. That means even $2.50 can make a will buy one dengue fever blood tests. And if anyone knows what the heck dengue fever is, let me know, will you?

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